@twice_kpop_beauty Instagram account analysis
Twice Kpop Beauty
@Twice Kpop Beauty's other accounts
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Twice Kpop Beauty @twicetagram @jypetwice_japan TWICE FAN PAGE
Twice, a K-pop sensation renowned for their captivating beauty and talent, has skyrocketed to fame since their debut in 2015. They've clinched numerous awards, influencing global fashion trends and music. Their albums, like "Feel Special," showcase their artistic versatility, reinforcing their position as cultural icons across multimedia platforms.
@twice_kpop_beauty's Hot Topics
TWICE’s Tzuyu Buys These $12 Press-On Nails "In Bulk"
TWICE's Tzuyu is officially in her solo era. The superstar K-pop group's maknae, or youngest member, steps out on her own today with her debut album.
2 months agoTwice’s Nayeon Shares the K-Beauty Essentials She Swears By
The K-Pop star on creating her second solo album “NA” and trading beauty secrets with group members Jihyo and Sana.
5 months agoThe most striking beauty looks from Momo throughout the years
Between a girl-next-door aesthetic and her bombshell make-up moments, Momo certainly has a hold on her fans with these flirty beauty looks.
5 months agoInstagram Activity Tracking
@twice_kpop_beauty Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
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@twice_kpop_beauty's Daily New Followers
Slight decrease in followers from 43687 to 43663 over two weeks.
@twice_kpop_beauty's Historical Stats
Overall stability in following count, with a consistent increase in total posts, indicating continuous activity.
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