@noronhavivii Instagram account analysis

Vivianne Noronha.

@Vivianne Noronha.'s other accounts

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Vivianne Noronha. Pai, se eu desanimar… por favor me sustenta! 💛 Jobs: contatoviviannenoronha@gmail.com @reservadavivinoronha
Vivianne Noronha, a celebrated Brazilian influencer and entrepreneur, has made significant strides in both media and fashion. Recognized by Forbes for her innovative business ventures, she excels in partnerships with global brands. Vivianne's roots in a creative family shine through in her engagements, influencing millions with her charismatic presence and visionary projects.
@noronhavivii's Hot Topics
Poze do Rodo e Vivianne Noronha reatam relacionamento conturbado
O funkeiro e a influenciadora reataram a relação às escondidas, disseram amigos próximos do casal · MC Poze do Rodo e Vivianne não estão mais...
18 months agoMais sobre: Vivianne Noronha
Atualidades. Esposa de Poze do Rodo nega envolvimento em esquema ilegal de sorteio de rifas: 'Fake news'. Vivianne Noronha é alvo, nesta sexta-feira, 1º,...
1 month agoQuem é Vivi Noronha, esposa de MC Poze que virou alvo da Polícia Civil
Esposa de MC Poze, Vivi Noronha é investigada pela Polícia Civil do Rio de Janeiro na Operação Rifa Limpa; saiba quem é ela.
1 month agoInstagram Activity Tracking

@noronhavivii Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
What it Tracks:

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@noronhavivii's Daily New Followers
Overall, there is a decreasing trend in follower numbers over the recent period, indicating possible changes in audience engagement or content strategy.
@noronhavivii's Historical Stats
Analyzing trends across followers, following, and posts reveals potential shifts in content delivery and audience strategy, worth investigating for impact.
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