@kellylhyland Instagram account analysis
Kelly Hyland
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Kelly Hyland Hyland.kelly3@gmail.com @backtothebarrepodcast @becausemomsaidso4
Kelly Hyland, famed for her role on "Dance Moms," is renowned for her candidness and dance advocacy. As a former dancer and mother to Brooke and Paige, she has significantly shaped young talents. Despite controversies on the show, her influence in the dance community underscores dedication and resilience.
@kellylhyland's Hot Topics
Dance Moms ’ Kelly Hyland Shares She Reached Milestone Amid Cancer Treatments
Kelly Hyland, who appeared on Dance Moms with her daughters Brooke Hyland and Paige Hyland, was diagnosed with breast cancer in March and...
3 months agoDance Moms Alum Kelly Hyland Reveals Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Hyland and her daughters Paige and Kelly were original cast members of the Lifetime reality series, but left the show midway through its original eight-season...
1 day ago'Dance Moms' Alum Kelly Hyland Finishes First Stage of Breast Cancer Treatment: 'I Got This'
'Dance Moms' alum Kelly Hyland wrapped up her first round of chemotherapy, but shares it's just the first step in her ongoing struggle...
3 months agoInstagram Activity Tracking
@kellylhyland Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
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@kellylhyland's Daily New Followers
Followers showed a declining trend, indicating a decrease in engagement or loss of interest from the audience.
@kellylhyland's Historical Stats
Analysis reveals a steady follower count, minor shifts in following, and slight increase in posts, indicating cautious content activity but potentially decreasing social interactions.
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