@jimgaffigan Instagram account analysis
Jim Gaffigan
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Jim Gaffigan THE SKINNY streams on HULU on Nov 22. EVERYTHING IS WONDERFUL Tour dates at jimGaffigan.com Fathertime-bourbon.com
Jim Gaffigan, renowned for his clean, deadpan humor, has captivated audiences globally. A Grammy-nominated comedian, he's authored bestsellers and starred in "The Jim Gaffigan Show," reflecting his life as a father of five. His specials on Comedy Central and Netflix, significant international tours, and roles in films like "Chappaquiddick" highlight his versatile career.
@jimgaffigan's Hot Topics
Jim Gaffigan talks his new special and opening for the Popemobile : Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
Jim Gaffigan is one of the most successful comedians in the country, and has been for more than two decades. His latest special called The...
2 hours agoWhy Jim Gaffigan Rates Donald Trump’s Comedy Chops
Comedian Jim Gaffigan recently shared his thoughts on the surreal experience of performing at the Al Smith Dinner—a high-profile New York...
15 hours ago'There's no shame in taking care of yourself': Jim Gaffigan tackles health in 'The Skinny'
Comedian Jim Gaffigan joins Morning Joe to discuss 'The Skinny,' his new Hulu stand-up special focused heavily on his recent weight loss,...
2 days agoInstagram Activity Tracking
@jimgaffigan Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
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@jimgaffigan's Daily New Followers
Gradual increase in followers observed, growing steadily from 1,482,804 to 1,488,686 over two weeks.
@jimgaffigan's Historical Stats
Continuous growth in followers, posts, and stable following numbers indicate active engagement and content expansion.
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