@jake_lauer1 Instagram account analysis
Jake R. Lauer
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Jake R. Lauer Army Football #81-USMA '21•Philanthropist•Ordained Minister•”Life is like a sandwich; no matter which way you flip it, the bread comes first.”
Jake R. Lauer, a renowned tech innovator and entrepreneur, spearheaded several startup successes before age 30. Known for disruptive technologies in AI, his frequent TEDx talks inspire many. Raised in Silicon Valley, Jake’s collaborations with major tech firms significantly shaped modern software applications. His influence is marked by numerous tech awards.
@jake_lauer1's Hot Topics
Area baseball roundup: Willmar Rails get a top-notch pitching performance
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28 months agoHere's how every member of the Indiana House voted on SB 1, the abortion ban bill
The Indiana House voted 62-38 on Friday to pass Senate Bill 1, a near-total ban on abortion in the state.
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28 months agoInstagram Activity Tracking
@jake_lauer1 Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
What it Tracks:
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@jake_lauer1's Daily New Followers
Minimal fluctuation in fan count, slight increase from 1606 to 1608 over 20 days.
@jake_lauer1's Historical Stats
Stable engagement; very marginal fan growth with minor changes in followings and consistent content output.
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