@gioewbank Instagram account analysis

Giovanna Ewbank

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Giovanna Ewbank CONTATO: gioewbank@twogether.com.br 📩 Mãe da Chissomo, Blessings e Zyan 👸🏿🤴🏿👼🏼 se inscreva no canal:
Giovanna Ewbank, a Brazilian actress and TV host, has transitioned into a powerful influencer and entrepreneur. Renowned for her roles in soap operas and a vibrant YouTube channel, she's also co-founded a fashion brand. Married to actor Bruno Gagliasso, her collaborations with major brands and her activism in social causes stand out.
@gioewbank's Hot Topics
Giovanna Ewbank homenageia Gagliasso nos Dia dos Pais: 'Sou abençoada'
"Os caminhos da vida me levaram a conhecer outro cara fantástico, maravilhoso, com as mesmas qualidades admiráveis do meu pai e muito mais...
63 months agoBruno Gagliasso e Giovanna Ewbank matriculam a filha, Titi, em colégio no Rio
Chissomo, a filha de Bruno Gagliasso e Giovanna Ewbank, vai começar a estudar em breve. O casal matriculou a menina de 3 anos, apelidada de Titi...
100 months agoInstagram Activity Tracking

@gioewbank Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
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@gioewbank's Daily New Followers
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@gioewbank's Historical Stats
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