@eevenden Instagram account analysis
Emily Evenden
@Emily Evenden's other accounts
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Emily Evenden Creative Director/Choreographer @creativestudiosbynclh Dancer 💃🏻 Traveler 🌎 Wifey 💍 @jamie_evenden Dog Mom —> Stella 🐶
Emily Evenden, an esteemed ceramic artist, has gained recognition for her innovative designs and sustainable practices. Her works, celebrated in several international exhibits, merge traditional techniques with modern sustainability. A family background rich in arts, Emily has collaborated with global brands, significantly influencing eco-friendly art trends.
@eevenden's Hot Topics
Geography research documents solar farms’ negative effects on landscape
50 percent of solar farms were built on cleared forest land to make it accessible for solar installations, you can expect residents to make some noise.
43 months agoClark University professor 'shocked' at amount of forest land converted to solar energy
A team of Clark researchers has produced new data showing the extent of deforestation in the region related to solar field development.
43 months agoClark Labs forecasts how land use will change across the globe by 2050
Clark Labs is in the process of using satellite imagery-derived landcover maps to forecast global changes to land use 30 years into the future.
51 months agoInstagram Activity Tracking
@eevenden Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
What it Tracks:
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@eevenden's Daily New Followers
Slight increase in follower count, suggesting minimal but steady audience growth over the period analyzed.
@eevenden's Historical Stats
Consistency in posting with stable following numbers indicates steady account engagement and activity without significant fluctuations.
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