How to See Someone's Activity
Your All-in-One Tool to Track, View, and Download with Ease
on Instagram Wondering what others are liking and who they're following on Instagram?With DolphinRadar, you can easily and anonymously track anyone's Instagram activity!

Trusted by 15,000+ Users

Rich Data


100% Anonymous

Discover what your friends and family truly enjoy with DolphinRadar, from favorite songs to trending shows and gift ideas. Dive into their interests effortlessly through their likes and follows.

Feeling a bit uneasy about your significant other? Discover who they're following and what they're liking on Instagram to see if your gut feelings are right. It's way more discreet than snooping through their phone!

Want to keep up with your favorite celebrities? discover when they're most active, and find out who they like and follow. Stay updated on the glamorous lives of the stars effortlessly!

With DolphinRadar, you can effortlessly monitor the accounts your kids follow and the content they interact with—all without them ever knowing! Stay informed and keep them safe with ease on Instagram.
Dolphin Radar Advantages
How to use Dolphin Radar

The #1 Instagram Tracking Tool

View Instagram Anonymously
View Stories, search profiles, and explore comments without leaving a trace.

Track Instagram Anonymously
Monitor likes, follows, and interactions discreetly.

Download Instagram Stories
Save Stories and Highlights anonymously

Discover Instagram Influencer Trends
Track what influencers are doing and uncover new gossip.

Monitor Suspicious Instagram Activity
Spot red flags like sudden follower spikes or unusual behavior.

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Your Ultimate Instagram Activity Tracker
DolphinRadar: Your trusted tool for Instagram tracking. Safely and accurately monitor the activity of accounts you're interested in—without compromising privacy. See which photos they've liked on Instagram, recent follows and unfollows, top interactions, and the latest content tags. These signals, reflecting their emotions and interests, help you understand them better, all while remaining anonymous.